A Lightweight Mailing List Server for Linux

What's Salami?

Salami is a very simple and spartan mailing list server. Salami addresses itself to everyone. It can run on very normal, private internet hosts like a usual ISDN, modem or DSL connected computer.

Salami requires only two things: (1) a freemail account with POP3 and SMTP access and (2) a Linux computer which is connected to the internet (by modem, ISDN, DSL or whatever).

Salami works a simple way: every n minutes it (1) receives the mail from the POP3 account and (2) distributes the mail to all addresses in one mailing list using the SMTP account.

The Source


Please suscribe to the Salami development mailing list ( with subject "SUSCRIBE") or mail to Christoph Schwering. Logo